"I must hide inside my blanket and shout out 'Get away from me, jehubar!' and I must pray....to who? To satan....'Please deliver me from jehubar!'"
@sinboi be under his blanket like:
remember when we were "in"?
we were told that if we have doubts regarding the bible and regarding the wt, it is satan that is casting doubts in our mind?.
i have been out for 4 months now.
"I must hide inside my blanket and shout out 'Get away from me, jehubar!' and I must pray....to who? To satan....'Please deliver me from jehubar!'"
@sinboi be under his blanket like:
the title was a joke but i going to tell a story that happend to me a a meeting.. there was a brother giving a talk now from my other post there are like 4 teens and 10 or more kids 5 to 8.now the brother just said now most of you kids will be getting asked have you lost your virginity.now all the teens are 13 like more or a year older you havent had sex but they dont care.. but the young kids most likey just asked there mom and dad when they got home ''mom dad whats my virginity''?.
just my god man what the fuck where you thinking when writeing that..
"What is masturbation" was the question I kept asking my siblings and parents about after a Sunday meeting when I picked up my very own blue hardcover version of the Young People Ask book. My brother told me it's something I should ask my father about. Oh, he told me. I remember he said it was something about "manipulating our own sex organs for pleasure". Didn't I feel like the smarty pants child.
so i finally decided to start writing a book on exiting jehovah's witnesses.
i've been meaning to do this for a very long time.
there are so many books out there and i don't want to repeat what everyone else has written.. although the book will include some basic history of jehovah's witnesses and the usual doctrinal flaws, it's core audience are those who are thinking about leaving, in the process of leaving or have already left.. the book will contain case studies of people who've left and made a success of their life.
Wow. Number two sounds like a section of the book I would love to read! When I heard of disaffected Circuit Overseers leaking his documents, I was stunned that someone operating at that capacity in the organization could be awake, yet still "going through the motions", as you described it. It sounds like you're putting together something really interesting! Best of luck.
im starting a counter-watchtower magazine for everyone to give to their jw friends and family or just to give to those that come to your door.
the first issue is about the history of pyramidology of c.t.
russel and under the start of rutherford along with some other things like pointing out the fact that no one knows the translators of the nwt or writers of the watchtower, "the two very things relied on to teach you".. its writen in such a way to be very repectful but to make the reader think, and hopefully the light come on.
It sounds like a really interesting project you're undertaking. I just know from person experience that Jehovah's Witnesses won't even accept a photocopy of their OWN magazine back issues because the source that's handing it to them is not a Jehovah's Witness, or it's someone still in, but trying to flag an issue. They're very hypocritical about rigorously handing people literature but will readily decline or throw away without reading anything given to them that covers religion.
@ScenicViewer Opening line "Im starting" needs an apostrophe, and don't forget "watchtower" requires an upper case. I understand the need for correct grammar and spelling when conveying important messages because sometimes the power of your content can become cheapened if the reader is distracted by simple typographical blunders. But hey - when banging out comments on here, I know I slip up for sure and use the wrong word at times. Pls dont dis my speling : (.
how often did we as witnesses say something like this : "unlike members of false religion, who venerate or worship through statues or idols, we give our focus to jehovah!".
members of religious groups focus their religious adoration via an image or statue.
they do this in order to provide some sort of focus to their need to worship.. witnesses give extreme focus on the name "jehovah" .
@cognisonance The society will justify temple prostitution by saying "all proceeds will go to the World Wide Work." *eye roll*
i was withh a friend of mine who is a jw still and for whatever reason we started talking the bible.
i asked him about lazarus and how is that when he died he paid the price of sin, but then jesus resurrected him.
and i asked him "where is lazarus today?
@waton Side note: interesting that you brought up the "stake/cross" alternatives. Does anyone here know what it actually means to be executed, as WT says Jesus was, by being "impaled on a stake"? Outside of WT's superimposed definition, this is a known method of humiliating torture where the accused would be pierced with a stake through the rectum with the stake puncturing through all the vital organs, and then finally protruding out of the mouth.
I won't attach the final photograph since it is quite graphic and NSFW. I'll leave the link as an option for those interested in viewing: http://www.metalsucks.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/cannibalholocaust.jpg
the death toll from watchtower increases with the latest suicide report of laura ann gracey.
here, her father recounts the events leading up to his daughter's taking of her own life - undoubtedly starting with her indoctrination from birth into this stifling, doomsday cult.. i see many similarities to myself as laura.
@Jules Saturn As a fully awake mother, my heart aches for the children she has left behind. I'm really sorry to hear about this case. @pale.emperor has had his own run-in with a flirtatious elder who slept with his now ex-wife. I believe these men as elders are more than aware of sisters' vulnerable states and submissive need for a head. Shame on that elder you mentioned for playing into that single mother's vulnerabilities. RIP.
@Venus I agree that WT's stubborn "one size fits all" box has resulted in said confusion and tension. With the additional threat of being ex-communicated for spilling out of this box, sometimes death can seem like the only solution for those in such a beaten up state of mind.
Ultimately, disfellowshipping is loving in the same way drinking out of a urinal trough is hygienic.
The two are irreconcilable.
i know wifibandit will post the pdf soon, this is just a snack for you guys and girls.... .
@neat blue dog Ironically, an anagram for the word "abhorred" is HARBORED... which is exactly what WT has done for their pedophiles.
the death toll from watchtower increases with the latest suicide report of laura ann gracey.
here, her father recounts the events leading up to his daughter's taking of her own life - undoubtedly starting with her indoctrination from birth into this stifling, doomsday cult.. i see many similarities to myself as laura.
@stuckinarut2 I think many of us can attest to the erosion of our self esteem while in the organization. Throw in a dormant, biological predisposition for depression and the flames of mental illness will be fanned by the smokescreen of WT. Some of us do rise from the blaze like a phoenix by waking up. Others continue to smolder among the ashes of their existence by remaining "loyal" to the organization. And then, sadly, there are those whose lives are snuffed out completely because it got too much.
the death toll from watchtower increases with the latest suicide report of laura ann gracey.
here, her father recounts the events leading up to his daughter's taking of her own life - undoubtedly starting with her indoctrination from birth into this stifling, doomsday cult.. i see many similarities to myself as laura.
The death toll from Watchtower increases with the latest suicide report of Laura Ann Gracey. Here, her father recounts the events leading up to his daughter's taking of her own life - undoubtedly starting with her indoctrination from birth into this stifling, doomsday cult.
I see many similarities to myself as Laura. I internalized the pressure brought on by the Watchtower and had even attempted suicide at the age of 19 due to the perfectionist standards I inevitably kept falling short from. Coupled with the gruff injustice I was subjected to by my elders, I eventually snapped and left the organization a couple of years later to self-destruct with every vice possible.
Of course, I never drew the parallel to my dangerous lifestyle choices and depressive behavior to my religious upbringing and encounters with the elders. Although I had left, the seeds of my childhood indoctrination were firmly established with gnarly branches strangling me from the inside out. This was evident when I was careful to NEVER reveal to my then-therapist that I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness for fear of giving the organization a "bad name". I couldn't have her associating Jehovah's Witnesses with drug abuse and promiscuity, now, could I? It would hinder her from ever speaking to the Witnesses one day if she was contacted. With this vital piece of information left out of my blueprint, nothing my psychologist could say or do would penetrate through the thick sediment of delusion, misery and self-hatred that I was harboring.
Eventually, the organization beckoned. I'd hit rock bottom. Where else would I go? I returned at age 24, ready to be freshly programmed. I welcomed my child into this world in 2015 as a sister in good standing. And then 2016 rolled around and brought with it the Remain Loyal convention. I woke up. Hard.
I am thankful every day that my infant will NEVER grow up with the harrowing milieu of the society to envelop and encumber his mind and heart, as it did mine. Sure, troubled times may hit him later on in life, but I know he will never look up at me accusingly with the painful realization that he'd been lied to by the religion his mother raised him in and leave me with the one tortured question I'd asked my own parents after waking up: How could you?